Differentiated serological myositis diagnostics

With the comprehensive test portfolio from EUROIMMUN

Idiopathic inflammatory myopathies (IIM) are a group of systemic autoimmune rheumatic diseases, which are characterised by chronic inflammation of the skeletal muscle. Diagnosis of myopathies is challenging due to the rarity of the diseases and the possibility of overlap syndromes. Serological diagnostics therefore play a key role, as autoantibodies are important biomarkers which support not only diagnostics, but also the distinction of different IIM subforms.

Our touching and motivating patient story


EUROIMMUN offers a comprehensive range of tests for the detection of myositis-relevant autoantibodies. The EUROLINE profiles for myositis diagnostics are the most comprehensive commercially available line blots and allow monospecific detection of up to twenty autoantibodies in one incubation, including – the exclusive* – cN-1A for differential diagnostics of inclusion body myositis, a rare form of IIM.

Learn more about myositis and discover our product portfolio in our info brochure.

* Protected by patent applications EP2729810 and CN103688173

Antje Lindae M.Sc.

Product Manager

Do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions.

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Autoimmune Diagnostics


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Professional article

Autoantibodies in myositis: An upgrade for comprehensive serological testing

The autoimmunogenic myositides (idiopathic inflammatory myopathies, IIM) constitute a group of systemic autoimmune rheumatic diseases that are characterized by chronic inflammation of muscles. Unfortunately, the general misdiagnosis rate is high resulting in a delay to diagnosis of several years. Moreover, a significant proportion of patients with IIM suffer from a generalized feeling of severe illness due to the damage caused by both the disease and its treatment. Autoantibodies are useful biomarkers to differentiate clinically indistinguishable subforms of IIM. Despite the low prevalences and isolated occurrence of many autoantibodies in IIM, they constitute the basis for serological diagnostics. The diagnostic informa- tion is maximized by employing comprehensive multiparametric assays covering both myositis-specific and myositis-associated autoantibodies.
