The Immunoblot PreQ System

The innovation behind the Immunoblot PreQ System (PreQ: preequipped) is that the incubation channels are pre-equipped with blot strips, which saves a manual processing step. The channels can be freely combined with each other and are simply clicked together (at least 4 channels are required per run). Incubation and evaluation are performed using the EUROBlotOne device. Requirements for the instrument are a dryer unit and a camera, and for evaluation, EUROLineScan software (from version 3.4.23). A positioning aid, which is mounted once on the rocking table of the instrument, fixes the interconnected channels at the correct position. The standard incubation trays can also be used after the adaptation of the EUROBlotOne. However, they cannot be combined with Immunoblot PreQ in one run. Important: In order to set the correct drying time,“Use Immunoblot PreQ” must be selected in the EUROLine Scan software. In this way, the drying time is automatically adjusted to Immunoblot PreQ (approx. 40 min).

Advantages of the PreQ system:

  • Low manual workload due to pre-equipment of incubation channels
  • Reliable fixation of the blot strips at the bottom of the channels
  • User-friendly click system allows flexible combination of blot trays
  • Fully automated incubation and evaluation