
Complete test package for serological Zika diagnostics

From mid-2015 on, Brazil experienced a large outbreak of Zika disease. From there, the causative Zika virus spread rapidly across the Americas. After a few months, it became clear that the acute wave of Zika virus infections in Brazil was linked to an alarming increase in microcephaly in newborns. An increased incidence of Guillain-Barré syndrome has also been associated with Zika virus infection.

Since 2017, the number of cases has declined globally, although transmission is still at low levels mainly in the Americas and other endemic regions. In Europe, the first local mosquito-borne cases of Zika virus disease were reported in 2019. In 2021, an outbreak was detected in India.

To date, 89 countries and territories have reported confirmed cases of mosquito-borne Zika virus infection1.

However, the climate change leads to favourable conditions for invasive mosquitoes in more and more areas that were previously unaffected. The mosquitoes that transmit Zika virus as well as dengue and chikungunya viruses are benefitting from the global warming and are spreading to the northern hemisphere, e.g. Europe2.

1 WHO: Zika virus – as of 8 December 2022
2 ECDC: Worsening spread of mosquito-borne disease outbreaks in EU/EEA, according to latest ECDC figures – as of 11 June 2024

Infection diagnostics with EUROIMMUN

In January 2016, we launched the first complete test package (ELISA and IFA) worldwide for serological diagnostics of Zika virus infections (Read blog article). Shortly afterwards, the EUROIMMUN IFA were approved by the Brazilian regulatory authority ANVISA4.

To this day, we offer a comprehensive portfolio for serological Zika virus diagnostics and reliable differentiation of other mosquito-borne febrile diseases.

4 Anvisa registra kits que ampliam acesso ao diagnóstico de Zika, Dengue e Chikungunya - Notícias - Anvisa

Other relevant arboviral parameters:

Dengue  Chikungunya 

Thinking globally – acting locally
With over 35 years of experience in the field of laboratory diagnostics, we develop and globally distribute complete diagnostic solutions that are tailored to your local needs. Working together with local health and scientific authorities we stay aware of novel and/or urgent infection events and deliver appropriate solutions for infectious diseases diagnostics all over the world. With our unrivalled in-house development and production of diagnostic test systems as well as our automation and software solutions, we are able to respond rapidly to both small and large infection outbreaks, providing support and national and international health entities when and where it is needed.
Thinking globally – acting locally

Comprehensive serological diagnostics of Zika virus infections


Order no. EI 2668-9601 G / A / M / Q

Indirect immunofluorescence assay

  • Anti-Zika virus IIFT (IgG, IgM)
  • Arbovirus fever mosaic 2 (IgG, IgM)
    → Data sheet (PDF)
  • Arbovirus Profile 3 (IgG, IgM)

Order no. FI 2668 G / M, FI 2668-1 G / M, FI 2668-3 G / M

Different formats available!

Find out more about our test portfolio!

Emerging diseases


EUROIMMUN`s solutions for arboviral infections

in the Americas


More information

Editorial: Serological differentiation of Zika from dengue virus infections

SEROLOGICAL DIAGNOSIS OF ZIKA virus (ZIKV) infections is challenging due to the high cross reactivity between flaviviruses. Test systems utilising virus-specific antigen can overcome this obstacle. A novel anti-ZIKV ELISA based on a highly specific antigen is devoid of cross reactivity with dengue virus (DENV) antibodies, and provides highly specific and sensitive ZIKV diagnostics.
Read more

Featured in MedLab Daily Dose, March 2017

Editorial: Innovations for infectious diseases diagnostics

EUROIMMUN offers an extensive range of test systems for infection diagnostics, including serological
assays for antibody determination and PCR-based tests for direct pathogen detection. For the growing
field of emerging diseases, EUROIMMUN boasts one of the largest portfolios of antibody tests
worldwide to support diagnosis and surveillance of upsurging viral and parasitic infections.
Read more

Featured in PPC, April 2024

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